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Teach English Abroad in France: Crepes & Coffee

Teach English Abroad in France: Crepes & Coffee

Hello, my name is Angelique!

I am participating in the GeoVisions volunteer to teach English abroad program in France.  I teach English to a host family in exchange for room and board.

I decided to teach English abroad in France because I want to pursue my French studies, and thought this would be an excellent and relatively inexpensive way to improve my French.

I also love teaching and thought it would be a lot of fun to get to know a host family and come up with fun, engaging English lessons for them.

I have landed in Brittany, the northwest region of France and have been wonderfully privileged to be here. My host family, as well as the GeoVisions program coordinator here in France, have helped to make my experience rewarding and fulfilling. I was excited to be in France and the city of Quimper from the start. Quimper is a beautiful little town, with friendly people and lots of delicious crepes and coffee shops. I didn't know French crepes were primarily a product of Brittany. While here, I have eaten a lot of crepes and have even had some practice making them with my French family and also with the program coordinator here.  (See below for a recipe provided by my host mom.)

Volunteer TeachI have been very lucky to have been placed with a wonderful and generous host family.  They have introduced me to their friends, included me in everything they do, and who have made it possible for me to make the most out of my experience in France. To help improve my French and get me involved in the community, they found me a post as a volunteer at a local center, helping people with cerebral handicaps. That has been a very rewarding experience and I have met a lot of people there that I'll never forget.

The GeoVisions program coordinator here also found me excellent French classes at a local center, where my French has improved and where I've had the chance to meet skilled teachers and people from around the world. I was also lucky enough to get a volunteer post as an English assistant at a local high school in France, gaining exposure to the French school system as well as teaching English.

I feel so lucky that the goals I had in mind, like improving my French, feeling like a real French person, and getting experience in teaching, have all come to fruition.

Volunteer Teach Angelique enjoys kayaking in Doëlan

One of my favorite things about being here is going to local cafés in the city, drinking coffee and writing, and getting to know the local café owners, who are all so friendly and welcoming of an American! I'm also really enjoying things like going to the post office to buy stamps or going to the bus station to renew my bus pass.  It has also made me feel like more of a real French person.

I am really lucky to have been placed with an amazing French family, too, who have exposed me to so many wonderful things about Brittany: its forests, its beaches, its towns and its way of life. I've been kayaking at many beaches and have visited a number of landmarks, including Lake Guerledon, the Celtic bookstore at Locranon, the cathedral in Quimper and the famous artist town of Pont-Aven. This weekend we are going to Mont St. Michel, which I've heard is one of the seven wonders of the world!

Volunteer Teach Teach abroad in France, and you can see amazing sites like the Crozan Cave

I couldn't have asked to be placed with a more loving, generous host family. They are very altruistic, open and generous people, and have really made an impact on me with the way they live. Each night we have dinner together and on weekends we have lunch together. That has made a very big impression on me- a fast paced American.  It has helped teach me the art of savoir vivre, which means "to live." While it has been challenging sometimes to be away from my family and friends in a different country, I feel like I have been incredibly well supported here by my host family, the program coordinator, and most all of the people I have met here.

Crepe Recipe

200 grams of flour

80 grams of sugar

2 eggs

250 milliliters of milk

Mix the above ingredients

Coat the pan with butter
Put in the dough
Flip it over

Top with jam, Nutella, butter, sugar, whipped cream.... Enjoy!

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