2 min read

The Journey Forward

The Journey Forward

We do what we love with people that we love for people who love what we do.

Over the years, doing business as The GeoVisions Foundation, we have been asked to define exactly what we do. But as the world entered the recent Pandemic, people could have cared less about what we do. They were trying to navigate a brand new world with brand new challenges. And ultimately those challenges led to new opportunities for millions of people, globally.

And now we're in the POST COVID phase of life. Still COVID, but we're all navigating it differently from before. And so the questions now persist. What does The GeoVisions Foundation do?

We thought this would be an ideal time to rename our company to reflect not only WHAT we do, but WHY we do it. And so, The Cultural Exchange Project was born.

cep-logoWhat hasn't changed are our programs, the reasons we do what we do, and our vision. To appreciate our "why" and our "vision" you'll need to look past the lingering long-term effects of COVID like high airfares, airline schedules, visa changes, a war in Eastern Europe, and economic challenges we haven't had to face in many years, along with supply-chain issues.

To understand fully why we do our work, you'll have to look past the tour companies that put together the day-to-day "trips" which have been properly mapped and labeled. You'll have to look past the travel companies that exist to wow the world on social media with altered (and beautified) photos promising that you, too, can take a selfie in front of this protected monument and then get lots of followers. And you'll want to discard the travel descriptions coined by travel consultants manipulated by the click-driven media.

We are a heart-first, rather than a head-first company. That comes from a deeper place, and our work reflects what we truly believe. It's how this group of people choose to live their lives and make a living.

From the opening of GeoVisions in 2001 on a small farm in New Hampshire to the launch of The GeoVisions Foundation in 2006 across from a 360-year-old village green in Connecticut, and now the birth of The Cultural Exchange Project, you'll discover opportunities to change your life and the lives of others in many countries around the world. You'll have new adventures as you discover the places and spaces we truly love, on programs designed by people that we love, for the people who love what we do. 

If you want to exchange your culture with another (for a few days to a year) we have programs that will help you accomplish that goal. If you align with our thought that experiences are better than landmarks, we have adventures that will help you accomplish that. 

Join us when you can. Take some of your time and change the life of a child in a classroom. Provide English lessons for people who can get a promotion by improving their English and thereby providing more for their family. Volunteer abroad on projects that includes animal rescue and working with children.

Join us on The Cultural Exchange Project.

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