Become A Conversation Partner in Vietnam
Volunteer 15 hours each week in Vietnam in exchange for free room and board.
What is a Conversation Partner? Volunteer to be a Conversation Partner and you will be speaking conversational English to the local police department, hotel staff, local business professionals, teachers, local tour guides. You do not need to be a teacher or to have teaching experience to be a Conversation Partner. You just need to meet with the group each day (up to 25 hours each week) and converse in English with them. It's fun and rewarding.
Become a Conversation Partner in Vienna, Austria on GeoVisions' newest Conversation Partner program. Volunteer 25 hours a week helping kindergarten students with Conversational English. Partners may tutor in several kindergartens or stay in just one. Conversation Partners will live with a family of one of the children who attends the kindergarten. Breakfast and dinner are provided by the host family. Lunch is on your own or taken at the Kindergarten.
This is a high-energy and really fun position. GeoVisions provides the suggestions and helpful documents; you provide the personality to liven up an informal conversation class! Find out first-hand how Austrians live and work day-to-day. Sometimes there are opportunities to take part in activities. Plus, the locals can show you landmarks and hidden gems. Conversation Partner volunteers must be native English speakers. They need to have earned a high school (secondary school) diploma or certificate, and be in good health. Placements are available year 'round and range in duration from one to three months.
GeoVisions will:
Volunteer 15 hours each week in Vietnam in exchange for free room and board.
Volunteer 15 hours each week in Ecuador in exchange for free room and half board. Weekends are normally free to experience the culture by traveling...
3 min read
Each week, GeoVisions posts an actual email from a Conversation Corps tutor, a Conversation Partner or a full time teacher abroad on a GeoVisions...