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The Cultural Exchange Project

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A Cultural Exchange Project au pair in Spain with her kids having a lot of fun.

3 min read

Exploring Spain: The Au Pair Experience

Embark on a unique journey as an au pair in Spain. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture while getting paid.

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a tutor in spain with her student

5 min read

Tutoring English to a Host Family in Spain

Expand Your Horizons: Tutor English to a Host Family in Spain Introduction To The Concept Of Being An English Tutor In Spain Imagine immersing...

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3 min read

Lessons in Language Barriers: Learning With Patience and Trust

I will never forget my first glimpse of Spain nearing the end of my 28-hour journey from New Zealand to Madrid. The memory is vivid, for it was the...

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2 min read

Work Abroad After College, And Have Fun!

Hello Future World Travelers! There are so many different ways to teach English abroad. This is another creative way to make it happen!

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2 min read

Au Pair in Spain: Walk & Talk with Julia

I am beyond happy with my decision to push myself outside of my comfort zone as an au pair through the Walk and Talk Program with GeoVisions. My host...

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1 min read

Au Pair in Spain: Maya's Adventures

My name is Maya Huth and I've always been a traveler at heart. I'm currently working as an Au Pair in Spain through GeoVisions.

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