1 min read

Suck My What? Conversation Corps In Thailand

Suck My What? Conversation Corps In Thailand

Traffic in BangkokSuck My Nation!  The newest addition to the GeoVisions family of volunteer Blogs.

Conversation Corps member, Don Deerie, is writing an amazing Blog with the most unique photos of life in Thailand I've seen.  Don is volunteering to live with a family in Thailand, and teach them English around 15 hours each week.  In return, he's getting free room and board with the family.  At GeoVisions, we call that Conversation Corps.

How many people get to actually live with a Thai family for a month?  It is a rare opportunity, and Don is making the most of it.  Here is an entry from June 15:

Host family ready for prayersAll smiles in the ราชอาณาจักรไทย
-2nd week in Thailand
-location: Trat
-3rd day as an English tutor to 2 students
-progress: hopeful.

I'm living with my host family for a month. I have my own room (a room larger than my parents'). The family owns a motorbike shop.

Don is a student at Bates College in Maine and speaks Spanish, Dutch and is learning Czech.  He brings to the Conversation Corps a great sense of humor and tons of excitement for Thailand, his host family and teaching them some conversational English.

If you have any interest in Thailand or what it's like to live with a family in that stunning country...or if you have questions about joining the Conversation Corps, you will enjoy reading Suck My Nation.

Do you worry about not being able to teach English?  Leave us your comments below!  The Conversation Corps is about teaching conversational English.  Anyone can do it.  What are your thoughts about Don's Blog or the Corps?  Please leave them below.

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