2 min read

Lost In Francelation...Sue Ann's Smilebox for Conversation Corps

Lost In Francelation...Sue Ann's Smilebox for Conversation Corps

Fridays are fraught with a dose of reality.  If I get a bill I want to dispute, it comes too late on Friday to do much about it.  If I plan a family outing, it rains.  My dog always gets sick on a Friday and I have the call the emergency number for the vet and that costs $50 more.

So this Friday, Sue Ann Young (yes, I'm using her last name) sent GeoVisions a link to her Smilebox.  I've never heard of Smilebox.  Turns out it's an Internet scrapbook of sorts.  So anyway, I clicked on Sue Ann's link.  She's a member of the Conversation Corps.  In France.  She's living with a family and tutoring Adeline and Emile in conversational English.  Sue Ann is volunteering 15 hours a week to this family in France so the two girls can improve their English.  For that she gets free room and board.  In Séné.  Pretty much on the coast.  Stunning.

Well here...you be the judge.  Here is the link to Sue Ann's Smilebox.  Here's what you do:

1.  Click the link and let Smilebox load in your browser.

2.  Move the Slow to Fast button to S  L  O  W.

3.  Press Play.

If it isn't Friday when you read this and try it...go for it.

If it IS Friday, go ahead and do it anyway.  It isn't like you're going to dispute the slides.

If you like what Sue Ann is doing and if you like how she's communicating her trip you can let her know by leaving her a message.  I did.  I liked it.  Not my message.  Sue Ann's Smilebox.  It actually did make me smile.

I'm a real sucker for stuff like this.  I'd like you to encourage Sue Ann.  Leave her a message and wish her well.  Encourage her to post more photos.  Let her know you are proud that she's taking this huge step to travel abroad, live for 2 months with people she's never met, and tutor two young ladies in conversational English.

I did.  Even on this Friday.  Here is the message I left for Sue Ann:

Dear Sue Ann,

Red sails on a boat in the Atlantic Ocean.I could not be more proud at this moment.  What a great way to begin your Conversation Corps assignment.  I was fine until I saw the photo of Adeline and Emilie.  It hit me right then what conversation Corps members like you bring to a family and to the lives of those you touch and help.  I was just so proud to be a part of the program.  And when I got to the slide of "How could you not want to paint the red sails?" I just sat back and thought...I have the coolest job in the world.  Quite literally.

This happens each day in 15 countries, Sue Ann. I guess I take it for granted.  I won't today.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us and your talents with the world.

Safe travels,

Randy LeGrant
Executive Director

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