Tutor English To A Host Family

Live like a local in your host community for free.

Where Will You Be A Tutor?

Better Together

Embark on an exciting adventure abroad and immerse yourself in the local culture for 1 to 3 months while assisting your host family in mastering conversational English. Don't fret if you've never tried this before! Your new host family values practical English skills over grammar.

Teach English abroad for a maximum of 15 hours per week. Our host families are eagerly searching for enthusiastic volunteers to join their households. In return, you will be provided with a comfortable private bedroom and mouthwatering meals.

By effortlessly conversing in English, you'll have a blast fully immersing yourself in the vibrant local culture. Not only will you have an amazing chance to master another language, but you'll also make meaningful connections that will last a lifetime!

Before you know it, the locals will be waving hello, and your host community will become your home away from home. Get ready for a truly authentic and genuine experience where every day is an opportunity to build lasting connections.

Full Immersion

Teach conversational English as a tutor and improve your foreign language skills with the help of your host family.

You Choose

Choose France, Spain, or Germany. Find a departure date that works for your schedule.

Travel With A Purpose

A By teaching your host family English, you are imparting a lifelong skill that will leave an indelible mark on their lives and yours.

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Cultural Exchange

Cultural Exchange holds immense significance in our interconnected world today. We take great pride in upholding these program values.

This experience will enhance your CV or Resume. Immerse yourself in a new language and gain a valuable lifelong skill.

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Benefits

Live like a local while tutoring your host family in conversational English 15 hours a week!

No official start dates. Travel when you and your host family arrange an arrival.

Wide range of ages. 18 to 70 is possible. We've placed older!

Total immersion. Teach a language ... learn a language.

Learn your host family's language while teaching English.

No experience is necessary. They want to practice conversational English.

You simply need a high school diploma or above.

Host families are screened. Some have even hosted with us before.

You'll have lots of free time each day to explore. Take a weekend to explore more of your host country.

Open Positions

Select from the countries below to see our openings.

3 Months. Near Paris. You will live with a host family with a child enrolled in the school where you are a tutor. Mid-Sept to mid-December. Mid-January to Mid-March. April to end-June.
2 or 3 months. Native English speakers are preferred, but non-native speakers may also be considered. CEFR C1 and a clear accent will normally result in a placement.
1, 2, or 3 months. Placements are mostly in and around Madrid but also along the west coast of Spain.