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3 min read

Au Pair in France: Reflections From Sophie

You traveled to France in 2016 to live with a host family for 2 months and help them learn conversational English. What made you decide to do a...

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2 min read

New Adventures: Tutoring English in Italy and Beyond

If you’re looking for new adventures and always dreamed of traveling and experiencing life from a different perspective, then this program might be...

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3 min read

Lessons in Language Barriers: Learning With Patience and Trust

I will never forget my first glimpse of Spain nearing the end of my 28-hour journey from New Zealand to Madrid. The memory is vivid, for it was the...

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4 min read

Why Six Weeks in Italy Will Change Your Life

After graduating college and getting myself a job as a 5th grade teacher, I saw many people in my life making choices about their future that I...

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2 min read

Unexpected Gifts Found Off the Beaten Path

Thailand is a place that provides so many incredible gifts to someone. So many unexpected things take place when you live there. Being a teacher in...

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6 min read

From Girl to Girl: Tips for Solo Female Travelers

The most important lesson I’ve learned during my travels is understanding that to travel alone doesn’t mean in solitude. It requires a lot of bravery...

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